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Keeping the right records

Fair Work

12 Feb 2023

Record-keeping & pay slips

Record-keeping is an important (and mandatory) part of running a business. The benefits of maintaining proper records far outweigh the time you’ll spend doing them.

Accurate record-keeping will help you keep a close eye on your finances and comply with the law – not to mention avoid fines and penalties.

That’s why we have a range of tools and resources to help you keep on top of your record-keeping obligations.

Online Course

Our Record-keeping and pay slips online course will teach you how to make, update and manage employment records for your business. By completing the course you'll learn:

  • what employment records are and why they need to be kept

  • when employment records need to be made and how long they need to be stored

  • what pay slips are and what details need to be included

  • what tools and resources are available to help you manage your record-keeping and pay slips.

The online course is free and only takes about 25 minutes to complete. You can access it from our Online learning centre.

For detailed information about pay slip requirements, visit our Pay slip page. You can also read our Record-keeping and pay slips fact sheet for more information. 

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